
The work of a family law solicitor

 The work of a family law solicitor   Advice,Business,Consumer The purpose of this article is to explore the role of a Family Law Solicitor, what type of legal work they are involved in and what to look for when choosing the right Family Law Solicitor for you. Family Law Solicitors are involved in all areas of law which concern family matters. More specifically, cases in which a Family Law Solicitor is required, include: Cohabitation - Family Solicitors often deal with cases which have arisen as a result of cohabitation, advising their clients on their rights and what their options are if things don't work out. Civil Partnerships - Following the Civil Partnerships Act of 2004, same sex couples can register as Civil Partners. Family Solicitors can advise couples on this process, the legal implications of it, and also in the event that the partnership doesn't work  out. Pre-Nuptial Agreements - Pre-nuptial agreements protect the financial interests of one or both partners within